Welcome to a site that tells you like it is – a no bull straight from the heart factual site.
What you read is the truth of what is going on in America today and what is going to happen to America soon. All because of those who are “ruining” I’m sorry I mean running America, and yes both are true.
But, you can do something no matter who you are or what your statues in life is, be it rich or poor, because you can vote out the people who are not doing their job. I will share my knowledge as well as facts that you can check to prove my findings.
Most of what you will see is common sense and pretty easy to find. Any further information you find on these issues is welcome. Please notify us so we can check your findings and share any and all validated findings with everyone.
I’m not an English major so everything here is not correct in spelling and format, but that doesn’t mean my knowledge and findings are wrong.
The purpose of this site was to try to save the middle class and poor alike cause for way to long the rich have passed laws that have benefited their past and or current companies, businesses, and friends at the cost of everyone. The rich making billions and bleeding the economy endlessly, because they have lobbyist buying the votes to get unfair laws passed that just keep 95 plus percent of the people in America poor, all the while they get rich. Uneducated people like Joe the plumber and Sara Palin are a joke.
They have no clue of what is happening in America. They just think everything that goes on in Washington is fair and legal. Wrong! On both accounts, Joe. You talk about us being a capitalist society and people worried about us becoming a socialist society what do you call a government that for way to many years gives breaks to the rich while strapping the burden on the middle class and poor alike. And once it gets mentioned to turn the table and give the middle class and poor a tax break then this is a socialist way of life. Well sorry if it’s our turn to get a fair way of taxation. But if the rich didn’t get all the breaks for way to long we wouldn’t need to have our turn to get a fair taxation. But since the rich were able to call it a tax break it was OK. And that’s not a socialist move! Yeah, it’s only the rich paying less and the other 95% pay more. Right now when the tables get turned it’s wrong and against the democratic way. Well, get a life all you who think this way.
Remember everyone, this country was founded on We the People – of the People- for the People – not what the rich can pillage from all others because they have the money and power that can buy and pay for things to go their way.
Let’s do first things first. We must get rid of the lobbyist in Washington that are able to get the rich people the laws past that they want to benefit their company or their industry as a whole, because this sucks the money and life out of everyone, all I ask is our government to go back to
the way it was meant to be, the way it started. Which is, we the people- of the people- and most of all for the people, not just part of the people, but for all the people. And land of opportunity not land of manipulating it the way it benefits the rich. As far as big business go, most in America are doing whatever it takes to get things their way. They don’t care what it takes or who they hurt along the way.
Also start voting independent, it’s a much safer choice. Mainly, because they don’t have to please their big political party and our best interest would be better served. Do you know that lobbyist help to pass laws that for the past 40 years they have been injecting chickens to get more white meat, this is not good or healthy for any of us. How about cows, they let them eat hay instead of grass. They do this to make them fatter and also not healthy. This also contributes to the rise in salmonella poisoning. Watch the movie “food inc.” and this will show you what has happened in raising our food. From what I am told no other country will buy our meat because it’s so unhealthy. Watch this movie it will open your eyes. We all should push to change this for all of us and our kid’s health.
Here is another example. The gas prices of the last 8 years since 2002 and all who got hurt and how it hurt the whole economy here and the rest of the world as a whole. Remember not only do you pay more for gas, but you pay more for everything. Because, most if not all businesses raise there rates as gas prices go up. Who pays, you and me do. So you and I pay several more times every time gas goes up, and as everyone blamed the economy on the stock markets or the housing closures and such. I’ve said and will keep saying the high gas prices have done in this economy and help to lead to the housing foreclosure because when you paid more for gas and every other business raised there prices you had to pay more to live and this caused people to make choices on what to pay and not pay and you were forced to buy things and pay the utilities and other bills to live and most would not have enough money left. So they were forced not to be able to pay rent or house payments or car payments because these were larger and easier to put off. And all of us suffer. Just to benefit a very small amount of people, there is no shortage of gas. It was just that the gas people knew the knowledge has and was here so that soon we will not need gas and they wanted to make as much money as possible. They brought the USA and the rest of the world to its knee’s and shook every dime they could out of everyone, not caring about the people they hurt along the way. Did you know a guy in Michigan made a battery that could go 300 miles on a charge, over 10 years ago? Guess who bought the rights to it, (Exxon/ Mobil Gas Corporation). So I say, we all get together and boycott there stations for just the gas, for a month or two, until they drop prices. Please still go to these stations to buy pop, milk or whatever to help owners of the stations just do not buy the gas to send a message to Exxon/ Mobil Corporation, we’re all tired of the gas companies ruining our lives. If we get the whole country and possibly the world to do this then Exxon/ Mobil might get the message and lower the price of gas. It is sickening of all the greed that is going on.
Also, start tracking your gas mileage, its easy to do just fill up your tank to full, record your mileage and when you refill your tank to full again divide miles into gallons it took to refill and you will find your miles per gallon you get and watch and you will also see how good your car is running. Also, watch out because their are gas stations out there that rig their pumps. This means you don’t always get a full gallon that you paid for. I’ve found several stations that have done this on more than one occasion. Because I track my mileage, I see when it happens. It always happens on either a weekend or on a holiday. Funny, but the fuel inspectors are off on these days. So, it’s very easy for the gas stations to get away with this. So watch out for your own benefit.
For years, I have wrote and talked to state transportation department about a way to save gas and lives like putting N/S/E/W or use color coded tape to cut cost like N-is blue, S- is red, E- is yellow, W- is white after street names on street signs to save gas and time wasted on going the wrong way on streets, but only got excuses about cost. I suggested as new signs are needed to start this. As of yet, no one has done anything. Also to save gas and traffic jams and lives. I suggested about having all traffic lights have the green light blink three times before it goes yellow, I believe this would be a real life saver. Because we all know that there is a lot of times you get to a light going yellow and you have to make a hard stop or forced to gun it and sometimes people run lights just turning red. The blinking green would give you more time to stop.
We all need to stand up and use our rights and do things peacefully but, take action now. And get information and vote the right people in to office and keep watch on all in office so as to make sure our best interest is what they work for. Make them remember we are who they are working for. It is suppose to be our best interest in mind not their best interest or what they can make for passing a law for who ever the highest bidder is. This should make everyone sick seeing this and knowing this. And now is the time to do something about it. Cause time is running out. The old saying is it’s never too late. Well, it’s getting real real late, we all need to be on the same page and make a stand and vote out the greedy illegal politicians and send a message to all. If you run for office “do it right or don’t do it at all’ cause we’re why you’re here and you’re here because of us. We really need an oversight committee to see that the best interest of the people is at stake at all times. How about a base pay for all politicians and an incentive pay when they meet their budget and a bonus if they have a surplus, this way we would not have to pay more in taxes. We also should have a people’s oversight committee to count all votes to all elections. And we should be told what our money is being used for.
So we can tell our politicians what we feel about foolish spending before it happens, because it is costing us, our jobs, cut in pay, and over taxation that we all don’t need. How about no more federal or state taxes to anyone, we will replace it with a government sales tax of say 10% on everything you buy. By doing this you get rid of tax dodgers and everyone rich or poor would pay the same tax rate. No more bickering over whom should pay more and all the illegal aliens in this country would pay taxes as well. And by doing this, we would almost double the money the government has right now, and we all would pay less in taxes, and have more money to spend and the government would have more. Also, you would do away with the argument that illegal aliens are getting away from paying taxes. You would free up all our tax money being spent on all the court cases against tax dodgers, and we would have a lot more money for all the things needed to run this country and stop a lot of the bickering in state and federal government.
So as to insure a fair vote, I myself and everyone I’ve talked to agree to volunteer for free, to give our time to count them cause our vote is really the only way to get those into or out of office. And this truly is the American way and we must never lose it. As you have seen or read in the news there is a lot of corruption in our elections. And if you have not been aware of all the illegal actions of politicians to discard votes/ hide them/ and who knows what else is going on, but you know, everyone I talk to says they agree this is unbelievable what’s going on and unfair to our American way of life and injustice to our fore fathers efforts to make this a great country that is how it started out, but over the last 50 plus years it has been corrupted to no end with greed and what’s in it for me attitude and the I’ll do whatever it takes to win even if it’s illegal because they feel they are the law or above the law. Big changes are needed and now.
To bring something to everyone’s attention and this is a fact. Upon George Washington inaugural address, yes one of our founding father’s and our first president said quote “ Beware of the two party system” and guess what we have folks republican and democrat. You know what I believe; the worst is yet to come. If they get along together, and get into each others back pocket, corruption will get even worse. I can’t say it enough, we need to get rid of all the lobbyist. They are the seed of the corruption in our government, and also put laws in place. If any politician of any kind gets caught for governmental corruption they should be expelled from political life forever and automatic jail time as well. Make a web site to watch the politician’s votes and their actions and to monitor their votes to see if they vote in our best interest, if there is any proof of voting illegally done then get them expelled out of office. There should be a ceiling on all utility company charges so as to not bleed the public. All of us deserve to live without being bled by the rich.
Are we not all slaving for the rich”. It’s impossible to live a comfortable life even working two jobs and overtime, you can’t pay the bills. This is because we the people have “trusted” our elected official to do the job we elected them for. And no one has been checking their work, till hopefully now. And let’s hope it’s not too late. We really need a new and strong political party to equal in size of the republicans and democrats and stand up for the people’s best interest. Enough is enough, its time for us to get tough. We need to lead this county into the future and make the changes needed for rights of a fair life for all. It’s not really hard to do. We just need to get together and focus on what’s right. Well, isn’t that what our fore fathers did to start this country?
Why are we backtracking the last 100 years to what our fore fathers fought to get away from? I say let us watch all in government to see if they are doing there job right and lets start a new political party to challenge the republican and democrat parties. This way we can find our own representative to do the job right. How about calling it the “people’s party.”
I’m tired of the politicians who say they want to work with their fellow politicians, but all they want to do is what is best for there political party. Every time, and I mean every time there is something to help the people, you hear that one side or the other says no to it, or what’s in it for their party. Like the republicans in 2010 on extending the unemployment to the unemployed, they would only do it if the rich got a big tax break. What is up with that!, and if they didn’t get it they wouldn’t sign the bill. How does that make sense for you and me? That folks, is strong-arming to get their way. And how about when GM and Chrysler needed the bail out money, all the republicans said no. Mostly, because the other over seas auto companies had lobbyist baiting them. And that bail out was a no brainer, if you didn’t do it, this country would have been in a bigger mess then it was. And who knows how bad it would have gotten, or how long it would have taken to get back on our feet. If this doesn’t show you that your elected officials are not working in your best interest, then I don’t know what will. And those that didn’t do the right thing in this case were the republicans.
People, look back in history and see what has been done, and who is to blame for the wrong laws passed. How have they impacted our lives. Example, when President Ronald Reagan who
allowed the banks to run the Federal Reserve. This is one of the main reasons we have the house foreclosure we have today, and also the reason why the republicans gave the money to the banks just for the asking. If you don’t believe me, see the movie called (inside job). How about our social security, no republicans wanted it or voted for it, and if our government would stop taking money out of it. Yes people the government has for the last 40 plus years taking money out of our “social security” to spend on their causes at the sake of our future lives, this should scare everyone. Why there is not a law against this I don’t know. But now is the time to do something. So push your politicians to put a law in place to stop this. This is a must, all of our futures are at stake. Or, it may be the loss of it. No reason to raise the age of retirement or to take more money out of our pay. Just stop the government from touching our money. Ask senator John McCain, he has talked about this several times. Also, he said their should be a law in place about this. Sorry, if you feel most of the things you have been reading here are about what the republicans have done or not done, and trust me when I say the facts are the facts and I’m just pointing out history as it has happened. And, if it were the democrats I would be pointing that out as well. And I’m sure they have there share of dirt as well.
What I am saying is we need another major political party or two more political parties so as to rival the democrats and republicans because something needs to be done or it’s only going to get worse. We must do something now, for the betterment of all of us. This would cut down the corruption of the voting process. And give us a better chance on the way our government should be run. In the mean time, find a good independent candidate to vote for until we can get a new good political party to stand up for us and challenge the democrats and republicans.
I see and hear the Wisconsin governor stand against the unions. I will say this and I’ve said this for years. We can’t compete with the rest of the world because of all the union dues employees have to pay. To compete we need to get rid of the union dues, I did write the president years ago about this. My suggestion was to get one central union for the purpose of complaints and over site the fairness to employees. This way you could get rid of the dues or at least lower them to pennies instead of dollars paid out from employees. Who would not have to give up their pay and or benefits, and employers would not have to cut pay or benefits. This way companies would not have to move over seas for cheap labor. We do have to do something or we will keep losing jobs left and right and then it will be too late. This way all win. Even the unions will be around to help when needed, and not cost everyone so much.
Like all of us, the unions need to tighten there belts as well. Time for us to move in the direction of the future to compete with the rest of the world, and we cannot do this the way we are presently doing business, with the money paid out to keep all these unions. So, as I suggested one central oversight union to keep things good for all, and not bleed the owners and workers. Nothing against the unions we just can’t compete with the rest of the world by having to pay all of them. I do agree we must all band together to keep the fight for fair wages, I just believe we can’t afford to pay the union’s to do this. Years ago they were needed, but today we’re smarter and able to fight our own fight, and lets face it, it’s a new world were working in. And to compete we must cut the bottom line to make a living.
Way to go Wisconsin governor another republican. You violated the law and took away employees right to protest their cut in pay and peacefully assemble to fight for fairness to their pay. What a joke. Hope all you people who followed the republican tea party and voted the republicans into office are taking away your rights, wake up and see what is happening. You need to vote all these jokers out of office, time
for all of you to recall your politician and ask them to step down. Because you’re best interest is not what they are looking out for. Good luck?
You got to love the republicans. There going to shut down our government in 2011 just because they don’t get what they want. Like I’ve said throughout this site we need an oversight committee or have senate and congress put these issues on the web so all of us can see what the real issues of what they are voting on. So, we the people can voice our opinions on them and help them get the decisions made for our betterment not their parties betterment. Time for us to watch big brother to make sure our best interests is looked after. I don’t know about you, but the republicans keep looking like all there after is what is in it for them on all the issues they are involved in. This is hurting everyone even them, and they don’t know it. Nor, does their faithful followers get it. How can you vote for a political party that constantly does not have your best interest in mind. Please everyone of any political interest pay more attention to what your politicians of all parties are doing, because we all suffer by their actions or lack of their actions.
How about taking a good look at the teachers in our schools, they need our help. First, make sure that they have the right skills to teach at the level they are teaching. As long as their heart is into their work and they enjoy it and really want to teach, then help them if they need it. This is one of the most important jobs in our country and the world, because the kids they are teaching are the future. The more they learn the better their skills are, it will only benefit us and the country. So many of these teachers are giving up their pay, plus spending their own money on things for the kids. We should have a teachers fund to donate money to our schools/ teachers to help them, because they should not have to spend their own money. I also believe their should be bonuses/ award money to the top teachers in each school as an incentive to reach higher education. If this was in use, I believe this would motivate all teachers to improve higher learning. Let’s face it, our schools are way behind compared to other places in the world. Since we are the number one country in the world, our schools should be no less than number one to keep us on top.
We need the government to pass laws to keep greedy business owners from pillaging the public. As an example, there is a drug called makena. It is for women who have a history of low birth weights in there babies. If they take these shots, it will help their babies to have normal weight. It does work and cost about $10.00 a shot. Well, when it got approved the company got exclusive rights for seven years. The price went up to $1500.00 a shot. Is this not greed and this is what I am talking about. This kind of stuff happens daily and must stop! So, I say pass “greed laws”. The days of making ungodly money and bleeding the public must stop! Why do you need to be a billionaire overnight? If they need to make billions, how about at a fair pace. Why not open and run multitudes of companies, by doing this hopefully it will stop the bleeding from the pockets of the middle class and poor alike. Nothing wrong with them making money, but hey share the love please. If you pass the greed laws and put in provisions that the employees must make a fair wage to co-inside with the business profits. Then, the more the business makes the more the employees make. Yes, kind of like profit sharing and all businesses should run this way. Then you end or at least cut down on the need to protest over pay.
Your product will be better and the employee’s attitudes will be better, because they will share in the profits. So their pride in their job and work will grow. If the rich would just understand that if you run your business this way then all would win. Even the customers would get a better product, and by doing this, everyone in the USA would win. And get us back on top as a leader in top quality workmanship, the way we use to be years ago. This has slipped in recent times, in most part because of greed. In regards to taxing pension to make a happy medium how about tax free to everyone for the first $20,000 then say 5% taxation on everyone’s first dollar after that, so if you get $25,000 you get taxed only on $5,000 if you make $30,000 then you get taxed on just $10,000 and so on. This way those making $20,000 or less don’t have to worry how they are going to live on less money. And those
making over $20,000 don’t feel like they are getting treated unfairly, because they get a break as well.
To the totally greedy insurance industry as a whole, enough with all the excessive charges/rates etc.., if you don’t stop all of this we will be forced to get central health care, because no one will be able to afford your premiums any longer. I wrote the president about why not have basic minimal insurance health plans for all and for any one who wants a better plan can pay for better coverage. This way everyone will be covered. The insurance industry would still receive their premiums and we all still keep our top notch doctors- some of the best in the world.
I have a great idea for all of the retirees to help us. Not become the burden to us everyone thinks they will be. And also a way that those on unemployment can help us as well. Why aren’t our politicians thinking of all these things I’m coming up with. I could write another 100 plus pages, but I just wanted to touch a couple of issues of concern. Don’t know about you, but I’m just sick and tired of watching all the bull we are all being put through in our lives these last 10 plus years. Tired of living in hell, daily.
By doing all these things on this site you also cut down on crime because people will not have to fight to stay alive as well as cut down on suicides, depression, and our economy will get better because more people will have money to spend. This is what makes the world go around.
To the rich I say “be fair and share”, if not beware of the dark road we are all traveling right now in 2011/2012. Plus, how would you like it if the deck was stacked against you.
“Remember do on to others as you would want done on to you”
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